Secure information boxes

Secure Information Boxes (SIBs), also known as Premises Information Boxes (PIB), are secure storage boxes that hold crucial information about a building for the use of firefighters.

Fire Safety Regulations define the information that must be contained within the box. The Code of Practice for the Provision of Premises Information Boxes in Residential Buildings published by the Fire Industry Association and the National Fire Chiefs Council sets this information. More information the Regulations are available on the GOV.UK website.

Which buildings does the code apply to?

The code applies to new build blocks of flats of 11 metres or more in height and to existing blocks of flats which are:

What information should be included in a Secure Information Box?

Secure Information Boxes (SIBs) provide information that is required for operational firefighting and/or rescue.

The regulations require responsible persons to install a suitably secure information box in or on their high-rise building. They will also be required to provide in the box:

Access should be given to the fire and rescue service. Boxes should be maintained, and their contents kept up to date in line with the duties imposed by the regulations and the Fire Safety Order.

The location, security and signage of Secure Information Boxes

The SIBs location must be where firefighters can easily find and access it. When the premises has multiple entrances, or is large and complex, more than one SIB may be required. It needs to be readily accessible to designation staff and attending firefighters.

The SIB should be located internally within the building. However, if fitted externally, it should be located, preferably, in a sheltered, well-lit area.

Responsible Persons should liaise and consult with Avon Fire & Rescue Service if they are not sure regarding the location.

Tell Avon Fire & Rescue Service the location of the SIBs to ensure it is included in our information and mobilising systems.

All Avon Fire and Rescue Service fire appliances carry a Gerda key box for access.

If other boxes are in use, access must be put in place to ensure firefighters can access the information in the box. For example, a key safe positioned next to the box and the code passed to Avon Fire & Rescue Service for access.

The nature of the information contained within the SIB is sensitive and it is important that it is secure to avoid unauthorised persons accessing the box, or vandalism.

The SIB should be clearly identifiable with signage. The Code sets out details of the wording and style of the sign, and where directional signs are necessary.

The SIB must be easily recognisable, usually they are in a red coloured box.

Good practice in the provision of secure information boxes in high-rise residential buildings can be found here. While it contains useful guidelines for example on the appropriate positioning on boxes, it proposes a higher specification of security of the box than is required by the Regulations

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