Training and advice for professionals

If you're a carer, support worker, social worker or professional working closely with local people read more advice, training and guidance to keep safe.

We provide help and advice to professionals and practitioners in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath and North East Somerset and North Somerset to keep vulnerable people in the community safe.

Become a Home Fire Safety Visit referring agency

We offer Home Fire Safety Visits for eligible people living in our community.

As a local practitioner or professional, you could become a referring agency to refer vulnerable and eligible people directly to us to offer them a Home Fire Safety Visit.

Contact the team to become a referring agency

Online safety training for practitioners

If you work in health or social care and regularly engage with vulnerable people in our community, we can provide training with the aim of preventing further fatalities and injuries by working with local agencies and practitioners.

The free online training will take just over one hour and aims to help practitioners to understand the risk and dangers of fire for those most vulnerable. It will cover topics, including:

Training is held virtually via Microsoft Teams, and tickets are booked via Eventbrite.

View available dates and book tickets

Invite us to your event

We regularly attend meetings and events to inform and educate local people about how to prevent fire in their homes.

If you’d like to book us to do a talk, attend a meeting or host a stall at your event, get in touch.

Contact the team

Online Home Fire Safety Check

For free advice unique to an individual and their home, complete the online Home Fire Safety Check.

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