Practical physical tests

Preparing for the physical and practical tests

To be a firefighter you will need to have a good overall standard of fitness. As part of the recruitment process, there will be series of physical and fitness tests.

Check out our firefighter fitness playlist for some 20-30 minute workouts to help you prepare. If you would like the opportunity to attend events to have a go at our practical tests, subscribe to our mailing list.

Fitness tests

Cooper Test (1.5 mile run)

The Cooper Test is used as part of our fitness tests for our wholetime recruitment campaigns and this includes completing a time run to measure VO2 max.

The test will be undertaken on a running track and you will be asked to complete six laps of the track in the specific time in order to pass the test.

The standard expected is an achieved VO2max of 42.3ml/kg/min or higher. Use the below spreadsheet to estimate your time based on bodyweight and gender.

VO2 spreadsheet

Chester treadmill test

The aim of the Chester treadmill test is to measure the Aerobic Capacity (Vo2 Max). Aerobic fitness is the ability to carry out activities in all aspects of your life without causing undue fatigue.

The Chester treadmill fitness test is where you will be required to walk at a 6.2km/hr pace with the gradient starting at 0%. The test will last 12 minutes, every two minutes the gradient will increase by 3%, with the highest gradient being 15%.

Successful completion of the test requires you to walk unaided for the total time of 12 minutes with the increasing incline.

When the 12 minutes are complete the trainer will show you how to warm down on the treadmill for 3 minutes before getting off.

Time (minutes)Gradient (%)equiv. VO2 (ml/O2/min)
Breakdown of the gradient at every minute of the test.

  • You are not permitted to hold the rails of the treadmill during the duration of the test.
  • You must adjust the settings of the treadmill following the instructions of the trainer.
  • Failing to follow the trainers instructions during the test will be considered a failure.
  • The trainer reserves the right to STOP the test at any point if they believe the candidate to be at risk.
  • Drinking is permitted during the test if doing so does not interfere with other rules/guidance.
  • Ensure laces are tied securely and clothing adjusted or removed for comfort prior to the test starting.
  • The test is continuous once started and any stoppage by the candidate will constitute a failure.
  • Each candidate has ONE attempt at the test.
  • The test will only cease if the equipment is faulty or a power cut.
  • It is a walking test, and candidates are encouraged to walk for the duration of the test, but should they need to break into a jog during the latter stages of the test then this is acceptable.
  • The test WILL be stopped by the trainer if at any point they have concerns regarding the your ability to continue or safety reasons.
  • Stopping/being stopped before the 12 minutes is completed constitutes a failure.

Lateral pull-down

You will be required to pull down a weight of 60kg once using a lateral pull-down machine. Using the same machine the you will then be required to pull down a maximum number if reps of a 30kg weight. (The trainer will stop the individual at 24 reps)

  • Your arms will start fully extended with a firm grip on the rope.
  • You will then be required to pull the weight down until your hands are below your chin with your elbows tucked in and your neck/back in a neutral position.
  • You must hold that position until told the word of command ‘Reset’ is given, then you must lower the weights under control.

The assessor/trainer will then adjust the weight to 30kg

  • You will then resume a firm grip on the rope with your arms fully extended.
  • When you hear the word of command ‘Begin’ you will then perform maximum repetitions at this weight.
  • The assessor/Trainer will count the number of reps when he/she is happy that a full rep has been carried out. (as explained above) You may begin the next rep once the current rep has been counted.
  • Any rep that does not count you will hear the words ‘no rep’. If you fail 2 consecutive reps the test will end as a failure.
  • The assessor/Trainer will stop the candidate when they have successfully completed 24 reps.

Shoulder press (standing)

The individual will be required to lift a weight of 30kg in a standing shoulder press once. A barbell will be used, with a set weight of 30kg (approximately). The weight will need to be lifted from a height of 5cm below the individuals chin and pressed to full (overhead) extension.

Follow our shoulder press progression guide to work towards this lift

  • The trainer will demonstrate the test to the candidate(s) prior to them beginning.
  • On the command ‘address the bar’. You will place your hands where comfortable on the bar and lift the bar off the rack.
  • The starting position of the bar must be below the chin with a neutral neck. If the neck is not neutral or the bar is not below the chin you will not be able to start the test.
  • On the command ‘begin’ you will raise the bar above your head and fully extend your arms until your elbows are locked out. We must see your elbows fully locked out and the bar above your head fully under control.
  • You will not lower the bar until instructed to do so. If you lower the bar before being instructed this will be a ‘no lift’ and will constitute a failure.
  • Once the command ‘lower’ is said, you may bring the barbell back to its starting position and place the bar back on the rack.
  • Any lower body movement (legs) used to assist you will be deemed as a ‘no lift’ and will constitute a failure.
  • Each candidate has TWO attempts at the 30kg lift but may attempt a warm-up lift with no additional weight on the barbell (20kg).

Practical physical tests

Ladder climb

You will be tested on your ability to follow instruction. You will be required to climb two thirds of the ladder height, at which point you will be asked to take a leg lock, remove your hands and identify a symbol on the floor.

Crawl through a small tunnel wearing breathing apparatus

This will test your flexibility and your ability to deal with small spaces. You will be asked to find your way through a small crawl way whilst wearing full breathing apparatus.

Dummy drag

This will test your stamina and grip. You will be instructed of the best way to drag the dummy around the cones.

Equipment carry

This will test your stamina, coordination and grip. You will be instructed through this exercise on the day, spend some time training your grip as you will be asked to move some heavy objects.

Equipment assembly test

This is a logical test to see how you follow instructions. You will be shown a small video beforehand and you will be expected to remember the instruction and assemble the kit given.

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