Woman in headset looking at computer screen taking emergency call

Fire Control

Find out more about the Avon Fire & Rescue team that answer your 999 calls.

Fire Control is based at Avon Fire & Rescue Services’ premises in Lansdown, near Bath. Fire Control is made up of Control Operators, including: Firefighters, Crew Managers, Watch Managers and Station Managers, and they are responsible for dealing with 999 calls ranging from house fires to serious road traffic collisions to cliff rescues.

Staffed 24 hours a day and a crucial part of the Avon Fire & Rescue Service family, Fire Control help mobilise crews, identify exact locations, provide fire safety advice to people who might be trapped inside a burning building and continue to reassure callers until the moment firefighters arrive on the scene. They are also trained in dealing with other incidents, including chemical, radiological, biological and nuclear incidents.

When Fire Control receive a call, they assess the situation the caller is in and mobilise fire engines and relevant equipment to the incident. Fire Control staff are responsible for the needs of the firefighters by dispatching further resources as required, arranging relief crews, liaising with other agencies and providing important operational information for the duration of each incident. 

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