The new firefighters serving in your area
We’re excited to be welcoming ten new firefighters into the Service, following the completion of an intensive training course.
In an emergency always call 999
To mark the occasion, an official certificate presentation ceremony was held at the Service’s training centre at Severn Park, Avonmouth. The cohort of ten trainee firefighters showcased their newly learnt skills during the event, demonstrating the training they have acquired throughout their rigorous firefighting course.
I’m thrilled to be welcoming ten new firefighters into our Service who are committed to making a difference in their communities.
I hope that each of you will enjoy long and happy careers as firefighters. Thank you for all your work so far. It’s great to see the future of Avon Fire and Rescue Service being secured with new talent and skills to deliver our services to the community.
Chief Fire Officer Simon Shilton
During the 13-week course, the recruits received a combination of practical and theoretical training to equip them with all the skills and knowledge they need to ensure that they are able to serve and protect their communities. Elements of the training included: road traffic collision and extrication techniques, water rescues, safe working at height, using breathing apparatus and community fire safety.
During the ceremony, Firefighter Izaac Stanley was awarded the coveted Silver Axe, which recognises excellence in training. Firefighter Ryan Edmundson was awarded Recruits’ Recruit which is voted for by fellow trainees, and Firefighter Kalan Smith was awarded Best Breathing Apparatus.
It’s a real privilege to be honoured with the Silver Axe. I would like to thank my whole training school and if I could divide it up into 10 pieces for everyone I would.
Firefighter Stanley
Having successfully completed their intensive training course, the recruits will put their valuable training into practice as they join stations across the local area to kick-start their firefighting careers at AF&RS.