Electric blankets

If you or a loved one use an electric blanket to keep warm, here’s how you can reduce your fire risk.

Using an electric blanket safely

Electric blankets can be a great, cost-effective way to keep warm during the colder winter months but it’s important to make sure that you take steps to stay safe. Our advice will help you make sure that you stay warm and cosy while staying safe.

Warning signs of a dangerous blanket

To avoid an electric blanket fire, make sure that it (and its cord) does not show any of the following danger signs:

If you are in any doubt about your blanket, contact the manufacturer before you use it to make sure that it is safe. It may need to be replaced.

Using your blanket 

Worried about energy costs? 

If you – or a family member – is using an electric blanket because you’re struggling with the costs of energy bills, it’s worth knowing that there is a lot of help available. Citizens Advice provides lots of information about grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills or you can contact your energy company for advice.

Check if your home is fire safe

For free advice unique to you and your home, complete the online Home Fire Safety Check.

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