Local Pension Board – Independent Chair

Do you have experience within public sector pensions and comprehensive knowledge of legislation? Then apply to be Avon Fire Authority's Independent Chair for our Local Pension Board today.

Hours: Zero-hour contract

Contract: Three-year fixed term

Salary: Daily rate of £500

Closing Date: 12 Noon 20th February 2025

Interviews: 7 March 2025

Summary of role

Avon Fire Authority is seeking an Independent Chair for our Local Pension Board. You will be required to assist Avon Fire Authority as Scheme Manager in relation to the administration and governance of the Firefighters’ Pension Schemes to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and the requirements of The Pensions Regulator.

The role is for a 3-year period with the potential for extension for a further 2 years.  You will be required to attend a minimum of two Local Pension Board meetings each year together with associated agenda and planning meetings and the Firefighters Pension Annual General Meeting and related training events.

You must possess proven experience of public sector pensions and comprehensive knowledge of the legislation pertaining to pensions.  Experience or knowledge of Firefighter Pension Schemes would be an advantage but is not essential.    Further details are contained within the role description. 

The Local Pension Board Terms of Reference are contained within Avon Fire Authority Constitution: https://avonfire.moderngov.co.uk/LPB Terms of Reference

As the Independent Chair you will be expected to:

  • Commit to undertake the role for a 3-year period from date of appointment to the Local Pension Board. This period may be extended by up to 2 years (i.e. maximum 5-year term) if agreed by the Scheme Manager.
  • Have capacity to attend a minimum of two Local Pension Board meetings each year (there may, on occasion, be a need to hold more meetings, up to four), together with planning meetings and the Firefighters Pension Annual General Meeting.
  • Ensure the Local Pension Board delivers its purpose as set out in the Local Pension Board’s Terms of Reference.
  • To agree the agenda for each meeting, clear papers for each meeting and approve the minutes for Local Pension Board meetings.
  • Ensure that meetings are productive and effective, and that opportunity is provided for the views of all Local Pension Board members to be expressed and considered.
  • Seek to reach consensus and where necessary ensure decisions are properly put to a vote, with the Independent Chair not being entitled to vote.  Noting that the Local Pension Board is an advisory Board and the Fire Authority’s responsibility as Scheme Manager for decision-making in relation to pension matters rests with the Policy and Resources Committee.
  • Scrutinise Local Pension Board papers, lead discussions and provide advice and guidance to the Local Pension Board.
  • Liaise with the Scheme Manager, and those with delegated functions, on the requirements of the Local Pension Board.
  • Be prepared to present reports to meetings of the Policy and Resources Committee on any recommendations from the Local Pension Board, which require a Scheme Manager decision.
  • Recommend and, where appropriate, lead training and development sessions for Local Pension Board members.
  • Draft Local Pension Board papers where required.
  • Ensure the production of a Local Pension Board annual report in line with best practice.
  • Ensure effective scrutiny of the Firefighter Pension Scheme risk register.

How to apply

Role Profile (132kB pdf)

Please submit your CV along with a supporting statement detailing:

  • how you meet the requirements of the role, and
  • how your appointment would be in the best interests of the purpose of the Board

addressed to: The Clerk, Avon Fire & Rescue Service, Police & Fire Headquarters, PO Box 37, Valley Road, Portishead, Bristol BS20 8JJ by the closing date and time.  

Alternatively, you can email your application to [email protected]

Late applications will not be accepted. 

For an informal discussion about the role please email the Clerk to the Fire Authority at: [email protected]

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